Side Hustle Spark 122: Guy Kawasaki’s ‘The Art of the Start’ speech: Points 6-10

My previous post covered the first five points of Guy’s speech for entrepreneurs on ‘The Art of the Start’.

Here are his next five points. [plus a bonus point]

6. Aim for providing a unique product that offers great value to the customer. Yes, easier said than done. “The holy grail of marketing,” says Guy.

7. Follow the 10/20/30 rule.

10 slides in your PowerPoint pitch.

Business model
Underlying magic
Marketing and sales
Status and timeline

— Give the pitch in 20 minutes.

30-point font should be the smallest size used. It forces you to condense your material to its essence.

8. Hire ‘infected’ people. Ouch! Questionable word choice in 2020, but in 2006, Guy meant, ‘people who not only have work experience and educational background, but love your product.’
— Ignore the irrelevant. Guy has never taken a computer class and was involved in the jewelry business when Apple hired him. Why? Because he loved the Macintosh.
— Hire better than yourself. If you do that, you’ll avoid the ‘Bozo explosion’ resulting from ‘A’ players hiring ‘B’ players, and those ‘B’ players hiring ‘C’ players…and so on.
— Apply the ‘shopping center test’. Imagine you’re in a shopping center and you see the candidate from a distance. If you don’t feel an incentive to walk right over and welcome him/her wholeheartedly, then that person is probably not the one to hire.

9. Lower the barriers to adoption.
— Flatten the learning curve. [Simply your product or service.]
— Don’t ask people to do something that you yourself would not be willing to do. [ex. Make the process for, say, a password to free products, simple enough that you would be willing to complete.]
— Embrace your evangelists. Give perks to, create programs for those carriers of the good news of your service.

10. ‘Seed’ the clouds.
— ‘Let a hundred flowers blossom’. Welcome the possibility that unintended customers may use your product in unexpected ways.
— Enable ‘test drives’ to make sales. It tells potential customers you think they’re ‘smart’ [capable] and because of that, you’re encouraging them to work with the product.
— Find the true influencers. Interact with administrative assistants, tech support, etc. Those folks ‘really do the work.’

Bonus point #11: Don’t let the bozos grind you down. Two kinds of bozos:
— The nerdy social misfit bozo who doesn’t want to see you succeed. Easy to ignore.
— The more dangerous one–the slick upper management tech bozos who, because of their status, might just make you pause. See the next post…

If you watch nothing else from this video/speech, at least fast-forward to the last five minutes, where he takes himself to task for his own ‘bozosity’. Good stuff.

Here are his first five points…

1. The best reason to start a company is to make meaning.

  • Increase the quality of life
  • Right a wrong
  • Prevent the end of something good.

2. Make a mantra for your organization and its employees. A mantra:

  • Should answer the question: “Why do you work here?”
  • Should answer the question: “Why do you exist?”

A mantra is not a mission statement. If you want one of those, go to the Mission Statement Generator by ComfyChair.

3. Get going.

  • Find a few soulmates.
  • Don’t be afraid of polarizing people.
  • Think different.

4. Define a business model.

  • Be specific.
  1. Who are my customers?
  2. How do I get them to ‘buy’?
  • Keep it simple.
  • Ask women about your business model. According to Guy, women do not have the male genetic flaw of wanting to ‘kill the competition’. ;->

5. Weave a MAT [Milestones, Assumptions, Tasks]

  • Milestones = first day of shipping your product, finishing a product design
  • Assumptions = write down and test questions like, “How many sales calls can you make per day?” “What’s the customer ROI?” “How much does it cost to install our product?”
  • Tasks = actions that help you reach a ‘Milestone’ = rent an office.

Side Hustle Spark 121: The Next Big Idea Club

Part of my curation process simply involves hunting down and sharing repositories of advice and ideas.

And then it’s a matter of passing it along for others to curate for themselves.

The Next Big Idea Club is a perfect vehicle for this approach.

A few other titles from this page:

Charles Duhigg on How Willpower Leads to Success

The Powerful Purpose of Introverts: Why the World Needs You to Be You

7 Ways to Prevent Stress from Ruining Your Day

Side Hustle Spark 120: Copyblogger’s 7 Unusual Signs of Progress

Stefanie Flaxman of Copyblogger shares an insightful piece 7 Unusual Signs on the Path to a Breakthrough .

My favorite quote sits at the top: “Working toward a goal is typically more awkward than elegant.”

Here are three of the signs: [Don’t want to overstep my copyright bounds.]

Someone tells you ‘no’.

You’re uncomfortable.

You turn down a client.

Keep reading this piece. I would bet two or more of the signs apply to you.

Side Hustle Spark 119: Guy Kawasaki’s ‘The Art of the Start’ speech

Top ten pieces of advice about entrepreneurship from Guy Kawasaki, former chief evangelist for Apple Computer, currently the chief evangelist for Canva, producer of his own Remarkable People podcast, and author of 15 books, including The Art of the Start 2.0, Rules for Revolutionaries, Enchantment, and Wise Guy. Here is a Goodreads list of most of his titles.

Note: I left out plenty of other accomplishments. Hey! I don’t have all day!

Here is the speech…

Here are the first five points…

Granted, this speech took place in 2006, and well, we’re wallowing in 2020, but still, plenty to learn here:

1. The best reason to start a company is to make meaning.

  • Increase the quality of life
  • Right a wrong
  • Prevent the end of something good.

2. Make a mantra for your organization and its employees. A mantra:

  • Should answer the question: “Why do you work here?”
  • Should answer the question: “Why do you exist?”

A mantra is not a mission statement. If you want one of those, go to the Mission Statement Generator by ComfyChair.

3. Get going.

  • Find a few soulmates.
  • Don’t be afraid of polarizing people.
  • Think different.

4. Define a business model.

  • Be specific.
  1. Who are my customers?
  2. How do I get them to ‘buy’?
  • Keep it simple.
  • Ask women about your business model. According to Guy, women do not have the male genetic flaw of wanting to ‘kill the competition’. ;->

5. Weave a MAT [Milestones, Assumptions, Tasks]

  • Milestones = first day of shipping your product, finishing a product design
  • Assumptions = write down and test questions like, “How many sales calls can you make per day?” “What’s the customer ROI?” “How much does it cost to install our product?”
  • Tasks = actions that help you reach a ‘Milestone’ = rent an office.

Side Hustle Spark 118: Freebie book of quotes

Way back in Side Hustle Suggestion 49, I posted a short video running through pithy–yes, exaggerating, as usual–quotes for entrepreneurs.

Today, help yourself to this best seller, though it can’t really be called that since I’m not selling it, but I guess I could, but really, why, I mean, just give it away, right? And what constitutes a best seller anyway?

If you’re read this far, you’re now convinced I should not be anyone to trust with your future…Enjoy the book anyway.

I’ll soon post a pared-down, printer ink/toner friendly version.

Side Hustle Spark 117: Kyle Baker on Quora

Yesterday I steered you toward Quora.

As I reviewed responses, I came across Kyle Baker’s work.

He darn near delivers a mini-course in this one Quora answer.

Below are four of his seven components: [Just the titles. Click here for greater detail.]

  • #1 – Determine the Type of Blog You Want to Run
  • #2 – Determine Your Niche… Passion and Knowledge Become Profits
  • #3 – Purchase a Brandable Domain Name
  • #6 – Determine User Intent

Keep learning, folks. I hope some of this moves you forward.

Side Hustle Spark 116: What is your side hustle and how do you do it?

Back in September, I suggested a visit to Quora.

Today, it’s back to that site with answers to the question:

What is your side hustle and how do you do it?

As always, in the right column, there are related questions that may be better targeted to your interest.

Otherwise, just keep scrolling through the page that auto-fills more of the 100+ answers. And yes, some folks simply promote their own gig, but again, this is a search for answers and alternative strategies, so plenty here…

Note: Use your browser’s ‘Find’ command to narrow the answers to a specific year.

Side Hustle Spark 114: 5 More Side Hustle Lessons

This post by Courtney Seiter–5 Side Hustle Lessons I Learned From My Day Job–still offers helpful insights, despite its 2017 publication date.

Anything written before the pandemic started is probably viewed through a different lens anyway, right?

It’s well worth the six-minute read.

As always, I hope you tailor any idea or ‘aha! moment’ into something helpful

Side Hustle Spark 113: Pat Flynn’s Essential Guides…

Pat Flynn calls them ‘guides’. I’d call them text-and-relevant-audio based online courses.

Below are the links…

to Mindset for Entrepreneurs

to Email Marketing

to Branding

to Business Fundamentals

to Online Courses

More SPI online course resources here

If you want to add value to these guides, and if you have capable software**, consider recording the screen as you cruise through your favorite content so you can conveniently replay it on your device of choice.

**Filmora, Camtasia, Snag-it, Screencast-O-Matic.. OBS Studio, Screencastify, ScreenFlow